A review by bummerdays
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma


I finished this book out of obligation to the two dollars I spent on it. This book EXHAUSTED me. There's not a single likable character in the whole thing. Everyone is flat and static and it gets old really fast. Once you realize that nothing is going to progress, no one is going to change. There was a tempting scene... Beyond the boundary of town where Chloe's phone almost explodes with missed calls and texts that I found myself actually interested in... But then she crosses back into town and back to the stale plot. It's like she enjoys sleepwalking her way through life, one step behind her sister Ruby the whole time. Even the end failed miserably. I would have loved this book a little if the end had been different. (Spoilers from here on...)

If Owen has died at Ruby's will. If the people of Olive hadn't been tricked and instead Chloe's time had ended. But no... It was boring. And London constantly bouncing between gentle slave and hateful bitch. Ugh. Just let me forget I wasted my time on this book.

2 stars because it wasn't THAT awful.