A review by belwau
The Sending by Isobelle Carmody

I haven't read much fantasy in a while and completely forgot how much description there is. Get ready for pages and pages of mountains. Don't get me wrong, though, IC always delivers the goods but it takes about 450 pages to get to the really interesting action and I highly recommend skimming pages 356-456. The beginning had a very similar feel to The Keeping Place which is incidentally my least favourite Obernewtyn book and I can't help but feel that it would've been more fitting tacked onto the end of The Stone Key. That way it would've tied in more nicely with the whole Rushton drama so that The Sending could actually start with the sending. The last 300 or so pages are definitely worth it and, even though we've been waiting for Elspeth to be sent on her quest for a long time coming, IC should be commended on still being able to surprise. Some parts in particular really had me biting my nails in the way that only IC can make me do and she ends it on such a cliffhanger.

So for Obernewtyn fans: if you've already gotten to book six, chances are you'll devour this book regardless.