A review by grinningcat
Forbidden Lust by Brooke Summers


MMC/FMC- Hudson/Mia
POV- 1st person dual
Genre- Mafia Romance
Sub Genre- Stepbrother Romance
Sub Genre- New Adult Romance
Heat level- steamy, they do the thing
Series- Y (Book One)
Cliffhanger? Y
Triggers- morally gray, violence, language, explicit erotic content, kidnapping
Tropes- Virgin Heroine, Antihero, Alpha Male, Forbidden Love, Dysfunctional Families FTW
What I liked- The two main characters had chemistry. And Hudson was not afraid to call the parents out for their mistakes. I also liked the relationship between Mia and her girl friends. And I loved to hate Tina- she is a manipulative rhymes-with-witch.
What I think could be better- some of this book could have been edited so that this book and its sequel could be one volume. Some scenes felt like they were written to stretch the story.
Verdict- Recommended. This book was entertaining and has me on the hook to read the conclusion.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.