A review by _astridedwards_
Still Alice by Lisa Genova


[b:Still Alice|23280232|Still Alice|Lisa Genova|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1418615024s/23280232.jpg|2158906] was published in 2007, and Julianne Moore won a Best Actress Oscar for playing the protagonist at the 2015 Academy Awards.
Alice, a wildly successful linguistics Professor at Harvard University, has early-onset Alzheimer's Disease. The novel chronicles her efforts to slow the progression of the disease and her inevitable loss of self. Written from Alice's point of view, we see her grieve for herself and for her family, withdraw from her career, plan for her own suicide, and finally succumb, unaware, to her fate.
[b:Still Alice|23280232|Still Alice|Lisa Genova|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1418615024s/23280232.jpg|2158906] - the novel and the movie - bring Alzheimer's to the fore of public consciousness. What makes this work unique is that [a:Lisa Genova|978484|Lisa Genova|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1410537635p2/978484.jpg] is a neuroscientist herself. She writes with honesty and authority on her subject matter, and leaves mawkish sentiment aside. This is not only important for awareness of Alzheimer's Disease, but for all of the misunderstood chronic neurological diseases common today.