A review by jinxei
The Last Phi Hunter by Salinee Goldenberg


When it comes to dark fantasy, ‘The Last Phi Hunter’ set itself apart with compelling narrative that delves deep into the themes of identity, loneliness, and forbidden love, all while navigating the shadowy realms populated by Thai demons and spirits. The protagonist, Ex, embarks on a journey that is as much about slaying ghosts and seeking glory as it is about confronting his own sense of self and isolation. His quest for fame takes an unexpected detour with the encounter of Arinya, a muay-boran champion with secrets of her own, and a belly full of life, demanding his protection through a ghost-ridden forest. The tender yet forbidden romance was wonderful and only emphasized the flawless ability of Goldenberg to inject humor and warmth into a world that otherwise is ensconced in darkness, offering some levity amidst peril.

However, beyond the thrilling encounters and mystical allure, I was enraptured by the exploration of Thai demon folklore. While the book may wobble slightly in the development of its characters—Ex’s arc feeling somewhat disjointed and Arinya’s depth not fully explored—the overall world building, lore, and character interactions far outshined any trivial complaints I might have had.

‘The Last Phi Hunter’ is an exquisite ode to Thai heritage, a testament to the strength found in companionship, and a celebration of the light that humor can bring to the darkest of places.

Thank you so much to Angry Robot for the ARC!