A review by paracosm
Y llegó Hicklebee-Riyatulle by Gitty Daneshvari


I knew that his book was going to be terrible from the beguining, but I decided to read it anyway because I thought that it coud be fun to review, so here we are. First, let's talk about the characters, they are the same two-dimentional cardboard cut outs than before, except for Theo who has managed to become even more annoying than before.

And then there's Dahlia, she is horrible. I remember that when I first read this book when I was younger I hated her, and my feelings have not changed since then. She is completely and utterly insufferable. She never shuts up, is constantly calling people names, singing and has a ferret named Salad that I want to strangle with my own hands. Not only that, but Dahlia is also foul-mouthed and prejudiced. She will randomly insult the other characters and then blame it on the ferret. I think the author made her purposly annoying because all the other annoying characters are fed up with her. Why would you write that into your book?

There's barely any plot in the book, it all feels like set up for the next one. A thief is stealing things from the house, but it turns out it was a crazy couple that were mad at Mrs Wellington for not treating her dog like a human child. I'm pretty sure people like that exist in real life.

So the whole point of the school is that it's supposed to be secret because their methods are unconventional, but I call bullshit on that because people believe weirder things, just google The Goop Lap. Speaking of Mrs Wellington's "methods", we never learn what those are. So now the school is in danger because Dahlia told a journalist about it, which is not actually a problem because her only source is a ten year old girl that talks to a ferret, no one is going to believe that.

The journalist somehow knows about Mrs Wellington's step-son who lives in the woods. Its explained that, because Mrs Wellington could not help him, then her career is over. That doesn't make any sense. All therapists have patients with failed treatments but that doesn't put them out of bussines. It's important to mention that I don't think Mrs Wellington is a therapist or has a career, but whatever. No one seems to care that Mrs Wellington married her patient's father, which is shady as hell.

This series is terrible, but I'll read the last one because I already have it and I'll probably finish it in three days.