A review by kaydanielsromance
Awk-Weird by Avery Flynn


For anyone who has felt left out, out of place, weird, different, or just awk-weird you will identify with this book!! Oh, how my heart broke everytime...EVERY single time, Tess drifted into the background, mentioned she was temporary in someone's life, that she was better off alone, etc...Avery Flynn you reached into my heart and put a big ol' squeeze on it with her character.

Awk-Weird is a romcom by all accounts, but it is also full of good touchy feely moments. Both Cole and Tess had childhoods full of upheaval, but they manifested their adulthoods in different ways. Cole is a control freak with a capital C and F while Tess is shy and doesn't people well.  These two were so right for each other, it just took them a bit to figure it out in the end and the story will make you laugh and cry while getting there.

At a wedding rehearsal dinner when both of their normal defenses were down and faulty condoms were used, Cole and Tess find themselves in the role of soon to be co-parents. Now, as they prepare for this big change, baby steps are made to prep them for the big one that is about to happen in a few months. Considering neither one saw this coming in their future, they have a lot of baby steps to make to get the up to speed in their communications skills, their emotional skills, their getting along skills...etc...

Did I mention they were both a bit awkward? Make sure you add this book to your TBR now!