A review by sionna
Dragon Bones by Patricia Briggs


So... I really don't know how I feel about this book.

Over half the book was me thinking how much I did not want to read this book, but then I enjoyed the ending???

Let's talk about the problems I had first:
The world-building was really lacking. I wanted to know the history and how the magic system worked.
I was a little bored reading this, but I think it is because I would be confused or not drawn in -- yes, that is what it is. I wasn't hooked or dedicated to the book, but I wanted to be.

I really doesn't help this book that I was extremely distracted by the movies my fiance was watching and the continuous cramps I'm living through this week. Because of this, I knew I had to read the book to the end and gave it an extra .5 star making a full 3 stars. There is a lot of good nuggets to this book and here are some I liked:
This book is seriously character-driven. I do like this, but I need some balance with the world-building. That being said, the characters really are cool. There are a few I forgot about (the cousins) or I thought changed completely, but others that I could never forget about such as Ciarra, Ward, Oleg, and Pansy (hehehe).
Ward. Ward is awesome. I love how throughout the book he doesn't know who he is, but in the end he figures it out and has to come to terms with being who he is. I thought this was great to read. Also, he is slow-talking--a very different trait given to a MC.
Female representation. There are DIFFERENT types of females-- there are strong fighters (Stala and Thalia [?]), there are...is... well that one girl (I don't want to give anything away), and Ciarra who I feel is emotionally strong.

There is not too much action in this book, but the action and strategy that happens is interesting.

If you like high-fantasy and adventure books, then I think you should check this one out. I will be reading the sequel... eventually haha.

Don't forget.... Hurog means Dragon ;)