A review by ash_chooses_pikachu
Born in Fire by K.F. Breene



And I went into this series with so much hope, too....

The 17k reviews with 4.13 avg rating filled me with such hope in the time of quarantine. But, alas! That hope was to be dashed by the utter stupidity of the heroine and the completely cookie-cutter hero.

The heroine made NO SENSE, like 90% of the time. At times she seemed efficient, while at others she seemed like a complete mess, like a bumbling, messy toddler. She said completely contradictory things as well. One time she said she only got high paying, high risk jobs that no one else would take. On the other hand, she had to take an 800$ job(which is a low paying job in her field, for context) because otherwise she wouldn't be able to pay her bills. So WHICH IS IT?!?! Does she get high paying jobs or not??? Or is she just a total child with zero financial management skills?
She seemed to jump head first into bullshit situations without any considerations. Her powers were described in a weird way that just did not seem appealing to me. The author mentioned ONCE that the heroine doesn't need oxygen to breathe, and that was that, no further explanation given.

The hero on the other hand, seemed like a total cliche. Handsome, rich and a vampire, and that's it. That's his entire "personality". Have nothing more to say about him.