A review by aliciamae
Pray Like a Warrior: Spiritual Combat & War Room Prayer Guide by Scott Smith


"Here is some battle-hardened wisdom from Ulysses S. Grant to help us develop our War Room Strategy: 'The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.'"

Pray Like a Warrior incorporates Scripture, quotes from Saints and other big-name Christian preachers (like Billy Graham), and even generals and war strategists. The approach was both accessible and energizing. Scott really knows how to rally the troops. I was somewhat reminded of older Christian literature that focused on the "morning watch" -- the popular term for the morning quiet time before it became all about candles, highlighters, and setting up an Instagram-worthy shot. 

I feel empowered to kick-charge my prayer life, especially as the author provides the reader with a very doable framework. If you're interested in learning how to make your prayer time more focused, Pray Like a Warrior is an excellent resource. Additionally, while I am familiar with the concept of lectio divina, Scott's explanation and example is by far the clearest one I've come across. 

I received a free eBook copy in exchange for a review. This review was also posted to Amazon.