A review by hostral
Sorcerer's Code by Christopher Kellen


Sometimes you stumble across a book and think 'yeah, your influences are apparent and I appreciate them for being that way.' The author even states to the effect that he wears them on his sleeve prior to the tale's commencement.

Sorcerer's Code is very honest from the outset about the authors that helped shape the tale. You have a snarky first person perspective of a wizard who gets in over his head. Only this wizard doesn't hail from Chicago.

No, instead we have our second influence: pulp fantasy. That golden Weird Tales period of history right before the first World War.

The unfolding tale is what happens when a leading man that could have starred in any of those early Sword and Sorcery works runs into the humorous and calamity-prone protagonist that wouldn't be out of place in any of the modern Urban fantasies littering the bookshelves these days.

The clash of characters makes for an entertaining romp, and the tone is humorous throughout, though it certainly doesn't skimp on the action or suspense.

It's clearly a gateway novella into the rest of Christopher Kellen's work, but this brief tale is worth a lot more than the nothing you have to pay in order to read it.

Overall if you're a fan of Sword and Sorcery or you prefer Sword and Snarkery, Sorcerer's Code is well worth a read.

- J.R.