A review by tx2its
People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins


Reading 2019
Book 106: People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins

My second Ellen Hopkins book to read. I decided not to continue the Crank series after finishing the first one. I am not much of a series reader, though I do have a couple of favorites.

This book is narrated by Violence. It whispers to the characters in the book, it enters their thoughts. The book is written alternately in verse and prose, entering the inner most thoughts of several trouble characters, all with secrets. The book is haunting, chilling, eerie, there is no looking away. All of the characters have something messed up going on in their lives, one of the characters has Epilepsy that she lives with after a car accident.

I enjoyed (weird word here, but going with it) the book. Hopkins writing style draws me in, her interesting perspective keeps me engaged. Several reviewers did not like the style of the writing and found it hard to keep up with, hard to understand who is talking. For me, I found that part very interesting. This book is definitely YA and not middle grade. High School age and older.