A review by saguaros
The Rainfall Market by You Yeong-Gwang


I keep being attracted to all these new Japanese/Korean cozy short novels that are popular right now, but honestly it’s very hit or miss for me (and the hit are not cozy). Nevertheless, I feel like I will persevere. This book was cute, but I had to check a couple chapters in to see the age group this was written for. It says adult, but honestly it reads more like Middle-Grade ish, both in its simplistic language and its structure. I’m not sure how old the MC is, but she’s definitely a child, I’d say a young teen. The book was definitely more enjoyable once I readjusted my expectations and approached it was an MG novel. 

The magical world was definitely Ghibli-esque, with its weird inhabitants and locations that are both “normal” and yet not quite at the same time (think the bath house in Spirited Away). It’s colourful and the MC must complete her task before the end of the rainy season or she’ll be trapped forever in that world. She goes looking for her dream by collecting orbs in each locations with the help of a magical cat and faces a greedy bad guy at the end. It’s a very straightforward story, and while cute, was too much of a This Book Has a Life Lesson in It story for my taste (a lesson that was obvious from the start).