A review by teresab78
Bad, Dad, and Dangerous by Bru Baker


4.5 stars overall

Bad Dad and Dangerous

Monster Hall Pass 4.5
I really enjoyed this story. It had just enough details of the world that I wasn’t lost. I liked the idea of Vampires living off Chi rather than blood. Ruby was great though we don’t see much of her. I liked how it ended.

Kismet and Cadavers 4.5

An undead cat, ghosts, paved over grave yards, and kismet; A recipe for a delicious tale. I really liked KJ and Thomas.

Elf Shot 4

This is more gruesome and dark than the other two. The other world is a strange place. I’m not sure if I really understood what the changelings were and I would have liked more info on Bell and Conri’s pasts. Some details were hinted at but not enough. I hope this turns into a series as it ended on a tentative hfn.

Wolf at First Sight 4

Though the story and relationship moved quickly and there’s not a lot of action, I enjoyed this tale of first meetings. Joe’s introduction into the paranormal world hits with a bang and goes from there. Not a lot happens but there are some cute moments, Declan’s fur issues being one.