A review by melmmh
Daughter of Redwinter by Ed McDonald


I stumbled onto Daughter of Redwinter as a "kindle daily deal" and am I ever happy I snapped it up.

The opening sequence pulled me right into the story, and as I'm very much a mood reader - I love that kind of beginning.

I wasn't sure how much I "liked" the MC, Raine, but it wasn't relevant in terms of the story. Raine is seventeen years old and very much behaves in ways one would expect an adolescent to. It was refreshing to see a teenager portrayed as such.

The character development, back story filling and world building were all top notch. I was slightly disappointed that the story wrapped up so neatly at the end, but with a second book forthcoming - there's obviously more to look forward to.

I would like to see the relationship between the MC and a side character developed much more. Not even necessarily in a romantic sense (since there were several possibilities there) but the story seemed to waver around a possible "super ominous" intent - and then kind of petered out.

All in all, very happy I read this. It was fast enough to hold my attention but well written enough I wasn't plowing through it.

3.5 stars