A review by namakurhea
Heartsick: Three Stories About Love and Loss, and What Happens in Between by Jessie Stephens


“Heartbreak does not seem to be a brand of grief we respect. And so we are left in the middle of the ocean, floating in a dhingy with no anchor, while the world waits for us to be okay again.”
This book is written for those whose pain and heartache are still on the present-tense. In this collection of three short stories, we follow the lives of Claire, Patrick, and Ana as they first fall in love till after they’ve fallen out of it.  Each of them have their own dedicated story… and though they may be different from one another, there is this universality in how they experience love and pain. And I’m sure this is the kind of feeling recognizable by all readers.
A word of caution though: don’t let the “marketing” of the book fool you. This book is categorized as “Non-Fiction”; however to be honest it is much closer to short stories than nonfiction. ALSO!! The  parts on heartbreak discussed only in the last one third of the book. Though in the words of the author, she said something like you cannot talk about heartbreak without talking about love.
Nevertheless, it still is a touching book. I always salute writers who are able to eloquently write about feelings that are hard to articulate… And I believe Jessie Stephens have done a good job doing this in her debut work 💚💛💗Sharing some of my favorite paragraphs from the book!!