A review by urlphantomhive
From the Cradle by Mark Edwards, Louise Voss


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Young children are stolen. From their houses, their cars or even from their own beds... When Helen and Sean return home they find their babysitting older daughter passed out on the couch and their three year old daughter Frankie missing. Time seems to be running out.

I've to admit I'd never heard of Louise Voss or Mark Edwards before, but when I saw this book, it sounded interesting enough. I used to read a lot of British detectives a few years back, but needed a sabbatical since I think I might have read a bit too many in too short a time. I think that break is over now, because I almost felt like I missed reading them...

From the cradle is a very decent British detective. It's not a ground breaking new concept, but if you happen to enjoy it, you'll probably like this novel. I got the idea this is a standalone novel, or at the very least it can be perfectly read without any prior knowledge of the characters and without feeling lost. The story kept me guessing for quite some time, the resolution in the end was a bit too much perhaps for me, but it was not a really big problem for me. I would pick up another book written by this duo and certainly give it a try!

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!