A review by nightc0urt
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh


I am in utter awe of this fantastic story about a girl who will do whatever it takes to save her family (and country) and it turn finds herself making her own.. fate?

This. Story. WAS. AMAZING. Every time I picked it up, I was swept into a land under the sea full of spirits and just beautiful world building and was honestly so completely captivated by this world. Meeting all of the spirits and gods and seeing DRAGONS?! The lord and myths, everything was just so vivid to me and so intriguing, I loved every bit of this book and can’t wait to get the finished copy in my hands.

Every year a girl is thrown into the sea in hopes of appeasing the sea god and stopping the storms that devastate the land. Every year, it’s a waste of a girl. But this year, Mina’s older brother is forced into watching his love be the next sacrifice. That is until Mina has snuck on the boat and can’t stand the look of devastation on both of their faces.. she throws herself into the sea instead. But she’s not dead, she’s in the spirit realm where gods and monsters are real. Dragons and spirits exist and Mina finds herself following a fate she didn’t sign up for..

That’s all I will say, but The Girl who Fell Beneath the Sea will definitely be on my top reads list for the year. It’s vivid, beautiful and touching with a dash of slow burn romance sprinkled into the mix!