A review by jessenreadsromance
Hooking Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds


Came for the light and fluffy feel-good romance but got mystery and murder. Honestly, I felt like this story was a bunch of bits and pieces that were cobbled together.

You have a group of wild, little ole ladies who are looking after the heroine. No explanation of how they met. Anna (the h) is running away from her past and trying to keep a low profile. Calvin is inexplicably a jerk to Anna upon first meeting, is forced by his mother to apologize, and then switches gears and falls in love with Anna on their second meeting. A string of murders is happening in the background and is forgotten about until it’s relevant to the romance.

Then we have an over the top scene where all previous couples in the series show up to support Anna against her greedy parents and ex who “really loves her” but cheated on her and ignored her until the press got wind of Anna’s whereabouts. Too much going on, not enough of a real connection.