A review by emotionstwice
Firestorm by David Klass


It has been four years since I read this book. At the time I was fifteen, and had had limited exposure to YA. Now at eighteen I have read quite a few YA books and this book HAUNTS ME TO THIS DAY. I for the rest of eternity will remember the page in which the idiotic main character decides to discuss (in serial) the perfect triangle of pubic hair the (alien?) female side character has. ITS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS.

This was one of the most cringest books I've ever read. Scratch that, the cringiest book I've read. Obligatory romance? Of course there is a really weird romance because 2006. Really (and I mean really) annoying and cringeworthy rampages about environmental damage by a talking, telepathic dog. (Oh yes, a talking telepathic dog. This isn't I Am Number Four, this is just confusing) like seriously, was this how bad YA fiction was in the early 2000's? Yikes. I thought it would be interesting, but more or less it made me want to throw it against the wall in frustration. (But alas this was a library book and I would do that)
It's been months and I still can't get over how annoying this book is and how much I dislike it. Ughhhhhhhh