A review by kindleandkettle
The Lucky Escape by Laura Jane Williams


The Lucky Escape was a lovely change of pace for me. It is part romantic comedy and part journey of self-discovery.

Annie finds herself left at the alter by her university sweetheart. Of course, as you would except Annie starts to question who is she is/has become. Shortly after the failed wedding, Annie finds herself at a bootcamp where she meets Patrick. Patrick and Annie knew each other twenty years ago and since then Annie has completely lost herself and become what others expect of her. It is around the same time that Annie's ex-future in-laws encourage her to take the honeymoon. Annie and Patrick agree to go together and that is where the fun begins...

I loved the journey that Annie and Patrick went on for their non-honeymoon to Australia. There were some wonderful laughs (I couldn't stop laughing at the part with the day-spa...no spoilers here, you will have to read to find out what happens). It is evident that Patrick really likes Annie, but something is holding him back. As their trip progresses they start to get to know each other more and build trust.

At times, I found myself getting a little lost and re-reading passages to process them but it didn't take away from the story. I love how Annie starts to focus on where she changed and how to make her life better. She learns to say no and ask for what she wants, instead of trying to please everyone else constantly.

Overall, this was a fun read for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you're looking for a nice change of pace in a book, I definitely recommend The Lucky Escape. Thank you to HarperCollins for gifting me a copy of this book.