A review by saracat
A Beautiful Crime by Christopher Bollen


I listened to the audio book, and as the story progressed, I couldn't remember the details about the person in the prologue and was constantly wondering who and how the story would reach that point.

I think the initial goal of selling the faked antiques to the one guy for a high cost felt so easy to justify to the characters, but even to me. And watching how things snowballed... sometimes so slowly it was barely noticeable until a lot had happened but sometimes with giant leaps.

I liked how we start partway into things happening and Bollen goes back and forth until we are caught up. And I also like how it wasn't solely told from Nick's perspective, but it did feel like we go more of his perspective.

The ending is one I like and dislike at the same time.

Content Warning: forced sex - though not very explicitly described, a few short descriptions of sexual activity, assault with a weapon, murder