A review by tyrshand
The Stone in the Skull by Elizabeth Bear


This novel succeeds most with its lush descriptions. I don't think anyone could deny that it has that. The author certainly loves her world building and I found in refreshing that it is based off of something other than the standard European influences. Now, I did not read her prior trilogy and am not sure how much it would tie into this -- other than being set in the same world.

I enjoyed her four main characters well enough, but found it a bit odd that as much as we get to know them, it felt as if their relationships to each other (the ones who met, anyway) were mostly glossed over. Obviously the Dead Man and the Gage had a lot more of their entwined backstory revealed, but at the same time, a lot was left out. The multiple love plots that show up felt rather insta-love. So the powers of description did not seem to be focused on character interactions near as much as it was on the world.

The magic system was fascinating, as well as the effects that it had on society and people. The hints of religion were also interesting.

So, with all these pluses, why only three stars? Well, while objectively quite a bit happened, it felt as if not much happened. The novel felt longer to me than it was and as if it took forever to get to major plot points. There wasn't much resolution, either, because by the time the biggest events happened it was time for book two, apparently. I will likely continue with the series, but no guarantees. I'm interested to see what happens, but the pacing was tough for me.

I should say, however, that lately I don't have as much patience for books with multiple POVs. They make me feel as if every time something is about to happen, it all gets delayed by someone else. Do, if you enjoy multiple POVs, I bet you wouldn't have the issues I did with the novel.

What a beautiful cover, though!