A review by jenniey3
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini


Not a bad book at all, fairly enjoyable. 2 stars deducted(probably more of a 3.5/5) because the writing style was a bit off for my taste, and Hosseini is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

Amir sucks major balls. I get that he was twelve and all, but I have never met twelve year olds that were so evil. I do believe in redemption and forgiveness, but to an extent. To let your so called friend be sexually assaulted and then drive him out of the family is some pretty shitty behavior. Clearly, Amir is some long lost son of Satan. I'm really trying not to be judgemental, but Amir makes it really damn difficult. Even when he was met with his moment of redemption or whatever, he had to be pushed to search after Hassan's kid. Then Sohrab had to save his grown ass from Assef, because Amir is a cowardly hoe. Its an interesting discussion though. Can humans come back from atrocious behavior? How atrocious can this behavior be? Is redemption measured more so through our own eyes or the eyes of others?