A review by taseenmuhtadi
Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon


Ambitious. That's the best way to describe the novel. For a book that was published in my grandfather's time, it has aged quite well. What sets this book apart is the focus on humanity; not on the technology, not on the number of solar systems colonized, but on humanity itself.

Compared to space operas of today, where faster-than-light travel and advanced technology is combined to give rise to galaxy spanning empires with multiple alien races, humans in this book lives out their lives in the confines of this solar system. Advanced technology is there, but not gone deep into, more focus is given on the mental and spiritual development of humans. Which is probably why this book is still relevant after all this time.

Stapledon's vision of the development of human intelligence and thinking is extremely deep. The dream of building a society that is harmonious and at peace with all it's members is something we all can aspire for. His vision of human society is one where humans set aside their differences and solved the problems of the world instead of focusing on mindless expansion is something a lot us hope for.

It would be amazing if humans could build a society like the one envisioned in this book, it would be a long time from now, but one can always hope. And that is probably the enduring charm of this book.