A review by queencleo
Marking Time by April White


Imagine if Bella Swan was a time traveller & could travel back to meet Edward before he was turned. Imagine if during the process she bumps into Jack the Ripper in
Victorian London.

Magical Snowflake, Time Traveller, Prophesied One & World Class Free Runner Saira (Sy-rah) Elian has all of the adventures. 17 years old & descended from one of the 5 Immortals (Time, Nature, Fate, Death & War) before she finds out she's a Time Traveller, she's just a Troublemaker.

Read if you love Vampire Academy, the Shadowhunters series, Divergent or Percy Jackson.
A teen romance with all the best bits of every teen series ever, and an Oliver Twist urchin for free.
I'm indebted to my local library for finding this series, I'm hooked. Onto the next.