A review by abigail_lo
Watchmen by Alan Moore


look, does Watchmen seem pretentious sometimes? yes. but i also regularly enjoy postmodernist literature (courtesy of mr. klein and tony), so what can you do. and yes, it does move quite slowly sometimes, but it's all part of the world-building. frankly, i can acknowledge that it's not the most engaging book i've ever read, but i still think the ending is a masterful inversion of the superhero / vigilante genre that opened the doors for countless "dark" superheroes to come.
Spoileralso, the issue with jon and laurie on mars (9? something like that) was pretty incredible -- had to pause reading for a bit so i could collect myself.
in short: i can't say it's amazing yet (although i might say it is after i inevitably read it again), but Watchmen has to be applauded for its sheer ambition and the place it holds in the history of graphic novels.