A review by kandisteiner
Come Sundown by Chelsea Landon


Chelsea Landon is a perfect example of why I love indie authors. Come Sundown was refreshing, romantic, and irresistibly HOT.

"I just like when the sun goes down. A chance to break free from the heat and be your self."

I discovered Chelsea through a group of amazing bloggers I run with, and seriously - I am BEYOND glad I did. I was attracted to this book because 1) it's indie and 2) my friends wouldn't shut up about how swoon worthy Tyler was. I have to admit, picking it up I worried a bit... and island romance? This has to be insta-love material, right?

Wrong. So, so f***ing wrong.

"You get one life, Erin. One. That's it. Who cares what anyone thinks about what you're doin'? If you're happy, that's all that should ever matter."

So, you can read the synopsis to get a feel for what this book is about, but in my own terms - it's about rewriting everything you thought was right in life. It's about facing heartbreak head on, letting that inner voice in you break through, finding out what is meant for you and then fighting to make it yours. Erin and Tyler are both so beautifully damaged that the only thing that made sense when they lit each other's worlds on fire was for them to fix each broken part of the other person.

I loved so much about this book. The sensory details were vivid and breathtaking. I've been to the Bahamas and this book made me feel like I was right back in Nassau. Chelsea has an amazing way with describing character interactions and I found myself swooning over Tyler before the boy had even opened his mouth. I felt the heat between Erin and Tyler from the first time they met until the very last scene.

Erin: "What scares you in life?"
Tyler: "Everything about you."

I also loved the author's deeper meanings laced within the story line. Yes, this is a love story - but it's so much more than that, too. This is a tale of discovery, of brokeness, of acceptance. Tyler grounded Erin and she drove him insane - it was a perfect mess.

When I think of loving someone, I think of myself as holding a firecracker in my hand and that person has the lighter. Some people close their first around that firecracker. Others just let it sit there knowing damn well they're going to get burned but wanting to limit the damage. People like Tyler closed their fists automatically. They knew there was a possibility of losing their hand but they did it anyway.

I loved that this book was a light, fun read at times and yet it also sucked you in and held your heart in its grips. You thought you could come out unscathed, but then things went down and you felt yourself falling deeper. I was gripping my phone (Kindle app) at one point and biting my bottom lip so hard I thought I might draw blood. Tyler said Erin broke him, but I think he broke me.

"So you don't feel anything for me? No. That's bullshit, and you know it."

Come Sundown is a stunning and insanely charming story of freeing yourself from the past and diving into what could be the most terrifying future - but what might also be the most incredible ride. Chelsea Landon has stolen my reader heart and found a lifetime fan in me. Bravo!