A review by so_many_books
Finn's Fantasy by K.C. Wells


*I recieved this books as an ARC in exchange for a review.*

Rating: 3.5⭐

Finn's Fantasy is the first book in K.C. Wells' Maine Men series.

This first book is about Finn, a young carpanter who watches a handsome man walk his dog every day on the beach. And that said man, Joel, who's recently divorced and finally lives his life as a gay man.

The story was rather sweet and simple. Two guys meet, one hires the other to build him a new deck, they hit it off nicely as friends and their mutual attraction leads to more. The only twist in this book is Joel's struggle to come out to his kids and the two men's reluctance to trust the other would want commitment.
So, all in all, it was a very low angst sweet romance, with a 4/5 heat factor and pretty detailed and usual bedroom scenes.

Finn's character was sweet and funny and his group of friends, the Maine Men this series is about are a great bunch of characters. Because this book is the start of a new series I think a lot of emphasis was put on jumpstarting the universe and introducing characters that had nearly anything to do with the happenings of this particular book. I would say the author intended this book to be a teaser for the whole series and that resulted in a lack of depth in the actual story.
Finn's character, for example, was very poorly built. We got to know nearly nothing of him apart from his group of friends while the focus was mainly on Joel.
Joel, a divorced dad, starting over his life to live true to himself, was a more deeply depicted MC. His struggle with his situation and his relationship with his kids were the parts that mad this story rather interesting than boring.

In my opinion, this book was a good, easy read with almost zero angst, a cute dog and hot scenes.