A review by jwave08
Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa


Wow this is such dense and fascinating book. I am so happy I read it. It was one of those books that really challenged how I was living my life, rather, challenged me to change how I was living in the moment.

Some important themes that specifically resonated with me were 1) Living with the cards you have been dealt in life and 2) Eliminate useless tasks / activities that do not advance you to where you would like to be. Specifically 2) is staying with me, refocusing me into committing my time towards things that make me who I want to be, and tasks that make me a better person.

Another piece I found interesting, staying with my list, is 3) the idea of isolating yourself in order to discover yourself. That is so fascinating and foreign to me. I would like to incorporate that more into my life.

All and all, this turned into a self help book and an incredible story of one amazing humans life. If you have some time on your hands (or if you focused on this book during your summer lunch time, because hey, you got to find time for you), check this book out.
