A review by hugbandit7
The Appeal by John Grisham


John Grisham has gone back to writing about the legal system and it was nice to have this sort of storyline back from a good author. (some of his other books weren't so great IMHO)

This is about a town in Mississippi that becomes a "cancer cluster" area thanks to Krane Chemicals who has been dumping chemicals into the ground for many years. Krane Chemical is taken to court and loses a pretty good sum of money in punitive damages. The owner decides that he doesn't want to pay this and that it will be appealed and perhaps he should "buy" a state surpreme court judge so that he will not have to pay money to the victims and their families.

It goes along pretty much as you would expect but there is a twist in the ending. It wasn't the ending that I had hoped for but it was probably more reality.