A review by quirkylitlover
Faith: Greater Heights by Julie Murphy


Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Children's Books for the opportunity to review an ARC of this title.

Faith: Greater Heights by Julie Murphy is the sequel to Faith: Taking Flight. This book is the continuation of Faith's story. She's learned to embrace her power to fly and is attempting to get back living her "regular life" and dealing with the challenges that come with that. However, things quickly take a turn as Faith's grandmother decides to move into an assisted living facility, the new journalism teacher seems a bit off, and Faith's nemesis, Colleen, reappears. It soon becomes obvious that Faith's senior year of high school will be far from normal as blasts from the past reappear and new challenges arise.

I did not read Taking Flight prior to reading Greater Heights, but managed to piece together enough backstory for the storyline to make sense. This book does a great job of promoting body positivity. Faith embraces her plus-size figure and remains fabulous. Murphy does a great job of portraying Faith as a "normal teenager" that just happens to have the power to fly. I would recommend this title to teenagers that are interested in action, adventure, and just a little bit of drama and romance.

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