A review by sfian
Chindi by Jack McDevitt


There seems to be two conceits (or, maybe, themes) that run through McDevitt's Academy series, from the three books I have read so far. The first is that otherwise bright, intelligent people tend to do stupid things in the pursuit of knowledge - and I still can't make up my mind whether other characters try hard enough to stop them - which, inevitably, leads to at least one of them dying. The second is that space is big. You wouldn't believe, etc, etc... That being the case, and the fact that humanity has come across so little in the way of extraterrestrial life, it seems odd that Hutch is always involved when a new discovery is made - let's face it, though, if she wasn't, books with her as the main character would be pretty dull. No, in this case it's more that the discovery of a long-lost Earth ship felt a bit forced.

This is another, big scale research and rescue plot - McDevitt cannily points out the similarity with Deepsix - that leaves The reader beeathless. Full if action, a nice mix of characters and more than a hint of daring-do.

The series is beginning to remind me more and more of Clarke's Rama series, with the lack of day answers as to what exactly is "out there". I just hope that, if those answers are forthcoming, it doesn't turn into another disappointment.