A review by deannasworld
Claiming the Nanny by Dia Cole


I started this book very excited and immediately fell into the story. It sucked me in and it made me want to keep reading and reading. You know the feeling? When you just can't put it down and you read in between everything you are doing. This is what the start of the book did to me. This book had a compelling opening and it was well written. I loved Nathan. I felt terrible for him and what he's been forced to endure. I liked Vana too. Then I made the mistake of reading the blurb for the next book, technically, the first book in the series and I found out that
Nathan was no longer Vana's love interest and others were. That threw me into a complete tail spin. I didn't like that at all. Then I did a naughty thing and went to read the end of the next book because I was already annoyed. Turns out by the end of the next book she's mated to the other guys. Not Nathan. Let me tell you, this whole switching the heroes thing. It's not on. That is not a romance. What this author did was a complete violation of the foundations of what constitutes a romance. You do not switch heroes between books. You may add to the harem if it's a reverse harem story but no, you do not switch heroes. If you switch heroes, it's no longer a romance. So that was the end of the books for me. It completely put me off the story. I'm upset that Nathan got replaced no matter how plausible the reason and how the first book ended. I'm upset that Vana ends up mated to other men at the end of the next book. I'm upset that Nathan though there's a brief mention of him at the end is dismissed because Vana had replaced him with other mates. Maybe Nathan will come back in future books but I'm done. There's no coming back from this for me.

Deanna's World

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