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A review by juhina
Where I Belong by Gwendolyn Heasley


Let me just start off by saying that i am not a big fan of reading books about spoiled rich girls (ie: Gossip Girl). I picked this book up for its BEAUTIFUL cover (you know me and pretty covers, its an addiction). I started reading this book a while ago then put it down after a chapter. I hated how spoiled Corrinne acted and how selfish she was. It annoyed the hell out of me. So a month later i promised myself i’d finish reading it (that’s what always happens to me right? ). So i did. I read it with gritted teeth whenever Corrinne acted like a selfish cry baby.. but she got better! i was quite surprised with how fast she adjusted (even though she kept denying her adjustment). Then came Rider, the singer wannabe working at the stables she started working in *gasp*. I knew from the beginning he would be a douche looking for a way in to the entertainment industry. But bubby, i LOVED bubby. The highschool quarterback. He was adorable with his teasing of Corrinne every 5 seconds. Somehow nowadays the quarterbacks get all the girls.. back in the day the quarterbacks were the douches and the tortured souls (singers, writers) got the girls.

Corrinne proved that she wasn’t superficial, that all she needed was a reality check to change her perspective. Kitsy (highschool classmate) helped her find that perspective. I loved kitsy’s bubbly personality and kidness. I didn’t expect Kitsy to stick around at the beginning but i give her credit for sticking. The book turned its charms on later in the book and i loved it. Corrinne finally turned from tolerable to an awesome protagonist. I especially loved it when her best friend from Manhattan (Weaverly) visited and she saw how everyone saw how SHE acted at the beginning: too good for this place and them.

I would have been sad to see her and Weaverly’s friendship dissolving, so i was happy with how the book patched up all the relationships. What i found cute about this book is the weird names of all the characters: Bubby, Rider, Jenny Jo. Definetly names that’ll stick in your head for a while!

It was a cute read, it was a bit hard to get through the beginning couple of chapters but after that i was looking forward to reading it whenever i had free time. Also my decision to read a book based on the book cover hasn’t let me down yet again ;)