A review by srivalli
A Cinderella for the Greek by Julia James


The Cinderella part finally made me read this book. It was staring at me since more than a year. I finished the book in 3 hours, not because I couldn't put it down. No, it was because I skipped a lot of pages.
The hero, Max was a good man; caring, compassionate, etc. Not the typical alpha male and I liked it.
Ellen made me wish I had her height and body. Sigh!
The stepmother and stepsister were evil and bad, Check.
The book had some beautiful dialogues and I loved Ellen tell Max about her past. Ellen was a strong character. Even when Max thought he was not giving her a chance to decide, she took her decisions. It shows when she decided not to g with him anymore.
Yet, the book disappointed me. As I started reading, I expected more from it. I wanted to see a confrontation between Ellen and her stepfamily. I wanted more of Pauline and Chole in the second half of the book as well.
It was as though, they vanished after doing their job. They should have been there at least in the end. Not as a mere mention, but in action.
Also, the epilogue wasn't an epilogue either. I was looking for something more than just discussion about the changes to the place. I wanted to see the changes done, to see Ellen confident, instead of still being doubtful about her body.