A review by undermeyou
Dark Constellations by Pola Oloixarac


This cover - 10/10, the description/blurb is super interesting, but ultimately, I had no fucking clue what was going on 99% of the time in this book. I couldn’t even enjoy the plot because I was so distracted by the metaphors and euphemisms that I was never certain if I was supposed to take at face value or not. Because it’s sci-fi and there is a thread of biotech when things are said like, he caressed her memory card, I don’t know if I am supposed to think she’s a weird, spliced, robot person or if everyone is inorganic, or if this is just a strange euphemism to keep you immersed in cyberpunk/sci-fi vibes. I wanted to love this book. I tried to reread huge sections when I would notice I was getting lost, but this did not work for me.