A review by hey_itsjoanna
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang


As it often happens with me and romance books, I enjoyed the premise and first act but then it could only really go downhill from there.
The thing that massively took me out of it was the descriptive language in the sex scenes. I’ve read my fair share of both traditionally published and wattpad smut to know what’s a cliche and what isn’t. And with phrases like:
“Thrust for thrust”
“Twin assaults”
“His words soothed and excited”
And my personal favorite: “around his impalement”
I think it’s what really made an otherwise great book feel like it needed another pass at editing.
Certain plot points felt very convenient and the fake dating trope was barely explored where it could be used to raise the angst factor a bit more which the third act could have used.
It was an overall very enjoyable book, I’m just highly critical of it because of the publisher backing it and the overall hype from friends.