A review by alexleo13
Boy Next Door by A.E. Wasp


Wonderful story, and great addition to the series. This story is quite different from the others on many levels, starting from the writing element of including exchanges of online messages among the side characters and the MCs and part of interviews and news creating a great background to the blossoming of the love between Joey and Liam. Even though this story is a standalone, I strongly suggest to read “Boy Toys - Hot off the Ice at Christmas” because this is the story that introduces the family dynamics of the O’Reilly and Luciano and when Joey and Liam’s friendship shifted towards a more intimate relationship.

It is hard to review this book without spoiler. There is laughter, there are tears, there is kink in the bedroom, there are some May/December aspects. It is a choral work, with many interactions among the families, the MCs, the team mates. It was great to read again about the MCs of the previous books.

And A.E. Wasp writing style is as always flawless, engaging, with the right balance between action, pauses, dialogues and intimate reflections.