A review by booking_along
Orwell: The Life by D.J. Taylor


I was interested in this book since I knew nothing about Orwell's life before reading this.
And honestly? After reading it I don't know a whole lot more since j have no idea what really is true fact and what is something Taylor made up or interpretated.

I do think that this book is a good start to Lear about Orwell and his life, it overs a nice overview, a good baseline of information and overview of orwells live from childhood to death.

I would recommend this book for "hardcore fans" or people that really know a lot about his life already, but I think that others that are similar to me and really have no knowledge about Orwell at all will learn a few interesting things from this book.

I do have to say that the writing the best for me personally, it felt a bit choppy and to me and I am not sure if that is because the author seemed to prefer to include a lot of shorter sentences, or if the overall writing tone and style of this author just is not for me.

All in all this was okay, not the biography I ever read but also not the worst and as I said I think a good starting point for people new to orwells actual live.

*thanks to NetGalley, the publishers and the author for giving me a free ecopy of this book in exchange for a free and honest review.*