A review by readwithdubs
This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger


I took a break from my usual thriller reads and I am SO glad I did! This was such a beautiful historical fiction novel and I’m so thankful to the author for sharing this with the world. Although I finished this last night, the story and characters have stuck with me well into this morning (and through my first cup of coffee). I could feel the fear, uncertainty, love and anxiety that these four characters carried throughout their adventure and I never wanted it to end.

A note from the author - “In asking you to read This Tender Land, I am, in a way, offering you my heart”. ❤️ what else can I say except THANK YOU…thank you for writing this, thank you for sharing this. This one will sit with me for a long time.

My friends, if you’re a fan of historical fiction (and honestly even if you’re not!), PLEASE read this! You won’t be disappointed