A review by amysofta
Blood Assassin by Alexandra Ivy


I received a copy of this book from the publisher through Net Galley for an honest review.

OMG this series keeps getting better! Prepare yourself for a glowing review, cause I am so digging this new (to me) series. Only complaint I have is the freaking cliffhanger in the Epilogue with no future book listed on Goodreads to give me a hint of what is going to happen next. Edge of my freaking seat here and totally in the dark. Agony Ms. Ivy, I’m in agony and need to know what happens next. One other minor upset about news pertaining to the Guardian’s of Eternity series too, but don’t want to spoil anything for readers.

So what made this book so great for me. I’m still loving this world with a society of enhanced humans with special powers. I’m guessing this is just what I am in the mood to read right now. It is close to paranormal, but feels fresh guess I might need a break from vamps for a while….maybe/maybe not. Anyway, the world is getting richer and more complex. We are delving into the world of these High Bloods more and learning that there isn’t necessarily a united front. We spent more time learning how they are trained and structured, along with more about their history. We also got a hint as to some future powers the High Bloods might have in future books and just how powerful or dangerous they could be.

The ‘bad guy’, Bas, in this book was better than the last. I actually really liked him, kinda hope he gets his own book…and it is next. He was such an interesting character with a past full of secrets and questionable yet Honorable scruples. We also learned more about the Mave and that she and Wolfe have some serious chemistry. There is also a connection to Bas that I hope to learn more about in his book, hint, hint. There was not much interaction with normal humans and High Bloods in this book, but we did learn a bit more about this Brotherhood. I believe they are going to be the main antagonists for this series and hopefully they get more page time in the next book. Mainly because I’m curious to learn more about how they came about and why they hate High Bloods so much.

The romance was better in this book, maybe a tad more frustrating. Sometimes I just wanted to smack them both upside the head a couple of time and tell them to get over themselves and get together already. I can see why Serra wanted to make him ‘suffer’ a bit, especially if she had been throwing herself at him for so long. And Fane, why is it that some men only want someone after they finally give up and try to move on. I know he wanted to protect her, but enough. They are both adults and need to let each other decide what risks they want to take to be with the one they love. It was a sweet paring though, I loved how protective Fane was and was totally surprised by his softer side.

This is a great series and I wish I would have started it sooner. I hope there are plenty of books to come and that the wait isn’t long. Lovers of paranormal, sci-fi, and supernatural stories or movies should give this series a try.