A review by pariseleanne
The Cats We Meet Along the Way by Nadia Mikail


The world is due to end in few months as a meteor is due to hit earth. The whole human race will be wiped out and there is nothing anybody can do to stop it. Digging underground bunkers will prove to be pointless! This novel is about reuniting family together during hard times, having difficult conversations and reflecting on past experiences. It is a very emotional book, with a VERY promising plot, that in my opinion it just didn’t live up to. Also ‘the cats we meet along the way’.. come on where was all the cats? Because I’m pretty sure they only met one cat. Absolutely beautiful cover and some cute illustrations through out the book.

This book was a good easy read with it only having 250 pages I flew through it in one day. However it is getting a 3 star rating from me as I feel like the ending let it down. I am constantly going to wonder what happened to them poor characters