A review by loop
Civil War X-Men: A Marvel Comics Event by David Hine, Yanick Paquette, Aaron Lopresti


Just meh. Kind of pointless. A lot more could have been done with the X-Men in relation to Civil War and the preceding Decimation. I guess Marvel really wanted to leave the X-Men in their little pocket to deal with the Decimation, but also felt that they had to address how mutants would be incorporated in the Superhuman Registration Act. They were right to address that, but this tie-in was nothing but a half measure.

The story boils down to the most throwaway trope they could've possibly conceived. The high stakes that threatened to exterminate most of the remaining mutants felt extremely forced and hard to take seriously. The only important point from this story is that mutants are no longer restricted to Xavier Mansion grounds and can wander freely, but they are still considered an endangered species and under the O*N*E's so-called protection, in addition to being immune to the Registration Act for the time being. So basically, nothing changed.

As for the art, it was mediocre. The line work was boring, confusing, and muddy. Lots of gratuitous booty shots for whatever reason. Sometimes there was a cool spread, but it still managed to remain boring somehow. How do you manage to make what is meant to be Cyclops' blast at full power being absorbed by Bishop look so goddamn weak and unimpressive? The coloring was equally dull.

All in all, this wasn't terrible, but it was incredibly meh all across the board. 4/10