A review by bookswithdes
Monstrous Power by Eva Chase


Oh my goodness, that cliffhanger easily bumped the three star rating I was going to give to four stars. Oh. My. Gosh. I literally started screaming and my heart rate rocketed. No joke.

So, initially this book continues their journey of trying to learn how to control their abilities while also trying to escape the guardians. The plot was pretty slow, but I did enjoy the new characters that were introduced. We get introduced to the creatures that inspired their creation, and they are so much more developed and interesting, in my opinion. Alongside that, her relationship with the guys develops way more in this book. She still doesn’t forgive all of them, but their relationships have definitely improved. So, you know from the first book that Dominic has two tentacles, and in this book he PUTS THEM TO USE, you know what I mean. And then, Jake quite literally cuts off the hands of their enemies and brings them to Riva as retribution. AND THEN, he tries to cut off his own arm because he regrets using her poison from his spikes on her. Like if that’s not groveling, I don’t know what is. And I’m interested in learning about Zian’s past. Like why is he opposed to touching? I have a feeling why, but I’m hoping it’ll come out in the next book and her relationship with Zian will improve because they are taking tiny steps in mending their relationship.

About the cliffhanger, I am so FREAKING EXCITED to see how the story plays out.
SpoilerLike, did they brainwash him? Does he think she betrayed him too? Is he happy to see her? But by the way she described his eyes, I’m scared.

Favorite quotes/scenes:

-"Whatever you need, Riva. However long it takes. Even if you never decide to try again at all. I’ll be right here."
"I matter that much to you?"
"You always did; you always will. From the first moment I was old enough to think about you as more than just a friend, I’ve been in love with you." (Riva and Dominic)

-"I’ve loved you my whole life so far, and I’ll love you for the rest of it, even if you spend the rest of yours hating me." (Jacob)

-“Our lips meld together with a familiar electric thrill. Every cell in me sings out with joy. I’ve missed this man, I’ve craved him, and now he’s back where he’s meant to be.” (Riva and Andreas)

-"Riva leans into me, taking comfort in my embrace. Just like that, I’m complete." (Dominic)

-"You’re a hell of a lot more than a moonbeam, Riva. You’re our whole goddammed sun. Wherever you go, you bring that warmth with you. You tether us so we don’t spiral out into the abyss… I love you. You are my sun, my fucking soul. I’m going to keep showing you how true that is for as long as it takes." (Jacob)