A review by sarabook
Wolf Blood: The Werewolf Apocalypse Begins by Steve Morris


I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

It starts with a professor, cast out of the scientific community for discovering a serum that can turn people into wolves, and ends with a rampage in London where humans are turned into killing lycanthropes.

This has such a unique premise, different from the normal apocalypse type novels. It centres on werewolves as the catalyst to a civilisation's downfall as opposed to zombies or vampires and I certainly appreciated the change of perspective. It was creative and imaginative.

The tension and general chaos that envelopes London is detailed well, and it does get very gory at times. The descriptions help to build a great sense of unease, and you do get a general feeling of dread running throughout the novel which builds well until the end. It does end rather abruptly however, and somethings are left unfinished - clearly in anticipation of a sequel. As I've mentioned many times, this is a pet hate of mine.

I also found the pace to be slow, and the world building is limited to the initial source of the 'outbreak'. Perhaps there is scope in further novels to explore the wider world and the virus's effects on a wider population. There is also a large number of characters to get to grips with, meaning it was sometimes difficult to grasp who was who. In addition, I struggled to gain any emotional attachment to any of them because most come across as one dimensional, and I often found that there was little chemistry between the main group of 'survivors'. Out of all of them, I liked Liz the best. A police officer and natural leader, she often holds the group together and was likeable enough to not come off as bossy or annoying. She's also the most well developed.

This was a decent read, full of atmosphere and tension and gore. Worthy of a sequel.