A review by miawilson
The Familiar, Volume 1: One Rainy Day in May by Mark Z. Danielewski


This book was difficult to enjoy. I really wanted to mostly because House of Leaves changed my life; however, the drawn out story line coupled with the fact that Danielweski planned 26 more books to follow this felt sensationalist rather than storytelling.

Told in alternating perspectives by people not yet connected by any apparent thread, the only story that stands out is the young girl’s, Xanther. Even though this narrative takes up the most real estate in the 883 page novel, nothing of much consequence actually happens. As a result, the side stories are little more than filler. Somewhat disappointing and apparently only 4 follow up novels exist and the remaining 21 have not found a publisher. Probably due to the printing costs of all those glossy, colorful, meaningless pages.