A review by candygirl73reads
The Last Snow by Stina Jackson


This was a great story that was well translated. I enjoyed it but it didn’t blow me away as I thought it would. There are some good twists in the story and it kept me guessing and I changed my mind a couple of times too. Very descriptive and enjoyable but I found the timelines a bit confusing in places, needed to be a bit clearer. The characters developed well and I found myself liking Liam more as the book went on but the main character, Liv, less. She was quite soft considering what she had been through and was definitely not developed as she could have been. The countryside they lived in sounded amazing, you were given good descriptions of the surrounding area and could see yourself living there.
Overall a good storyline but lacking in places, well worth picking up though purely for the descriptions within. I’ll be sure to look out for more by the same author to see how she’s evolves.