A review by twiceuponabook
Love in the Aisles by Heather Van Fleet, Jessica Calla


Thank you to NetGalley, the authors, and Xpresso Book Tours for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was a really cute love story that got me out of my book slump

I would recommend if you're looking for

-friends to lovers
-small town romance
-celebrity in hiding
-single, widower mother
-flirting with a pineapple
-a heck of a hook of a first kiss
-slow burn
-insta love
-opposites attract

There is very little steam to this book. A completely closed door romance, this book is all about holding hands, and sweet kisses. This is a sweet story of two people finding their second chance in life, in a place that neither expected to end up. My favorite part may have been the secondary characters. Charlotte's ex-mother in law was not her enemy but an ally, same with Ian's step-father. Characters who are usually considered villains. It was a wonderful change of pace.

While I do struggle with insta romances, I appreciated that this book kept on from the insta love moment and grappled with the couple's struggles. I do wish Charlotte had more of a head on moment with the GOLs who were real bullies to me.

There was also clearly more going on with Charlotte's sister so I hope we get another book to see what was going on with her.

Rating: 4

Trigger warnings: bullying, grief, infidelity