A review by shreeb
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare


This is more of a 4.5 stars because I did feel as if a lot of elements were too similar to The Mortal Instruments and not very original, but otherwise I enjoyed this so much more than TMI. The characters, the environment, the dynamic/interactions were just amazing.

First of all, I LOVE Tessa Gray. She is a badass shapeshifter who has so much love and hope, while also growing so much in just this book. I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not because I actually didn’t hate Clary in TMI, but a lot of people apparently do, and I’m not sure about people’s feelings on Tessa yet. But I love her so much and I can’t wait to see more of her in future books!

At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Will Herondale because I remember Magnus telling Alec that Will was like Jace, and I kinda hate Jace. However, while I do see similarities between Will and Jace, Will is just so much better and actually doesn’t get on my nerves. Like Jace, he has darker humor but it’s actually pretty funny, but the moments where he’s kind are probably my favorites.

Then, there’s Jem Carstairs. Again, this is a character I’d heard a lot about from social media but everyone kept telling me that I’d love him and... they’re right. Jem is such a sweetheart and I absolutely love characters that are kind and empathetic, even more than the cocky and arrogant characters (sorry Will, I still love you).

And Will and Jem’s friendship is probably the best part of this book. I haven’t finished TMI yet but I wasn’t really feeling Jace and Alec’s bond, but Will and Jem’s is so strong and it’s so clear that they love each other and will do anything for each other. And the overall family dynamic in the Institute was so fun to read and I love how everyone has their own distinct personality. I didn’t expect to love Charlotte and Henry as much as I do, but the way they take care of everyone and makes them feel like a family is just so sweet.

So overall, I really really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to read more in TSC!